On 7/20/07, Brian J. Murrell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Fri, 2007-07-20 at 15:06 +0200, Valent Turkovic wrote:
> >
> > Can you please tell me how can I make threads sort by date of the
> > latest message in thread?
> 2.11.x (x == 5 for me currently) does this.  If you don't want to run
> development versions you will just have to be a bit patient.
> b.
> --
> My other computer is your Microsoft Windows server.
> Brian J. Murrell

Uff, isn't there any hack or some clever option to enable/disable to get
this running on my Fedora Core 6 desktop with Evolution 2.8.3 ?

Wait a minute you have 2.6.3? or is it a typo?

I tried just for test running:
# yum update evolution --enablerepo=development

and got 20 screens of dependencies and needed upgrades :) that would
kill my machine I could bet it would.

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