Hi, first thank you for a great product because of which I couldn't
work on my preferred desktop and I would HAVE to run windows.

I have one issue which is really very, very important to me and that
is to see new emails when they arrive.

I also sort emails by thread and that is also a very important feature
because if I only sort mail by date I get drowned by the sheer volume
of the email - and it is not organized by context as when I sort by

If happens that I don't see new emails of some threads that got
started a few days ago because Evolution sorts all threads by the date
of the first email that started the thread and not by the last message
that started the thread. This is a really big issue for me.

Can you please tell me how can I make threads sort by date of the
latest message in thread?

Thank you very much!

And again if there was no evolution and evolution-connector I would
have to use windows and that would my work really unbearable.



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