On Wed, 2005-12-28 at 15:35 -0500, Robert Moskowitz wrote:

> >I don't have this problem, because the mail comes in at different IMAP
> >accounts.

> And you leave the mail in the IMAP folders?  Not local store?

I have some filters that move all mail to the imap server at home (so in
a sense, this is local store). Also I selected the option "copy folder
content locally for offline operation" so messages are available even
when there is no imap server present at all.

> >Are you saying you are actually receiving the mail for multiple accounts
> >in _one_ mailbox (that being either mbox or something like imap or pop).
> Not quite.  When you have multiple personalites (ie mulitple email 
> addresses) Eudora (and my limited experience with Outlook), all of 
> the POPed mail ends up first in the in box.  There is only one.  From 
> there you have to filter.

All imap accounts have their own INBOX. I guess the same goes for pop

> Eudora has had support for multiple accounts since v 5.  That came 
> out a long time ago.  Actually what I am doing, I was told, is very 
> PINE-like (it was a PINE user that helped me set this up initially)

Sorry, no experience with pine (nor eudora). For a cli client I still
prefer plain old "mail".

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