> I'm not sure but do you have a reason why you want to do this? Does it
> really matter what smtp server each mail account is sent from? Why not
> bypass the complete thing and use sendmail on your local machine
> instead?

Yes, I do have reasons. I use a branch office VPN connection to my
company network. 

Reason 1) I do not want my personal mail routing through my company's
smtp server. 

At the same time I would prefer to have my work mail get delivered
directly over my branch office connection for two reasons:
Reason 2) then it never hits the internet (unencrypted). 
Reason 3) it's faster, because our corporate mail servers can be slow in
routing due to the amount of mail they get, and all the spam and virus
scanning they must do. Since I'm essentially on the corporate network I
can deliver directly to an internal smtp server rather than delivering
through the busy external ones. 

Obviously number 3 can be argued that the problem is my company's
external mail servers should be able to handle and deliver mail more
efficiently, but that really isn't in my control. 

Wonder if I could do this? Since I use sendmail for my personal mail
server, I should be able to configure it to send any mail for my
companies domain directly to an internal mail server. I'll have to look
at that as an option if Evolution cannot deliver to two smtp hosts.


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