> Hi,
> thanks for the reply,
> I will try to give this buf trace even if I don't really know how to do that 
> in KDE and Suse 10 ...

http://live.gnome.org/GettingTraces explains how to get the traces.

> But I want to send a request to all users that have already made a 
> successfull connection to exchange 2003 with evo : is someone here could be 
> kndly enough to give a brief desciption of his settings to be sure that I am 
> in the right way to configure evo ? It could help a lot of people here.
> Be sure that as soon as I have a successful connection I will make an HOW-TO 
> about that and poste it on my blog or somewhere where it can be healpful to 
> linux community.

Which version of Evolution you are using?
If it is Evolution 2.2.x or 2.4.x, to configure an account you just need
to provide the OWA URL, user name and password, in the same way, when
you try to access you account using OWA, and it should  work.

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