Can you look at the bug

It points to many account creation issues.
If you have a similar set up as in any of those bugs,
Please update that bug with your inputs.
If not, can you file a new bug with E2K_DEBUG traces?


On Thu, 2005-12-08 at 09:19 +0100, Geert Theys wrote:
> Sushma Rai schreef:
> >Which version of Evolution you are using?
> >If it is Evolution 2.2.x or 2.4.x, to configure an account you just need
> >to provide the OWA URL, user name and password, in the same way, when
> >you try to access you account using OWA, and it should  work.
> >  
> >
> Well it doesn't. I tried different things. Even installing internet 
> explorer to read my mail and use the calendar options.
> But after 5 years working with linux at work I gave in and installed 
> windows.
> Reasons: needed to connect to exchange and wanted to print(wrote my own 
> ppd for our printer, but some fonts i can't print and got tired trying 
> to get it to work for all).
> Regards.
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