> Sent: Thursday, June 24, 2021 at 9:03 AM > From: "Jean Louis" <bugs@gnu.support> > To: "Christopher Dimech" <dim...@gmx.com> > Cc: "Stefan Kangas" <ste...@marxist.se>, emacs-tangents@gnu.org > Subject: Re: Leaving Freenode behind > > * Christopher Dimech <dim...@gmx.com> [2021-06-23 23:13]: > > You are correct. It is not about non-profits disliking business. > > It is about those people who only value non-profit. > > I don't know such people.
We have different experiences. > What I know from experience is that non-profit organizations always > work hand in hand with profit organizations. Especially for the reason > that money usually comes from one to other and each party > benefits. Non-profit gets the money or other values and profit one > gets tax deductions. That is how it is in Germany and US and other > countries. Condition is that non-profit is recognized by tax > authorities as having public interest. That's how things should be. I am not interested in non-profit myself. > > It’s not hard to start a nonprofit. The barriers to entry is pretty > > low. It costs a few hundred dollars and a few hours. But then what? > > Running a nonprofit and growing it to a size where it can effectively > > serve something takes resources. > > Of course, I should know that as being a corporate service provider > for last 19 years. Though in Germay it is considerably harder, but we > do it even remotely. They use the middle ages notary system with few > other countries in Europe. Never worked seriously is Germany myself. > If anybody considers donating to non-profit one should consider maybe > doing a direct contribution to social aspect. Often it will be more > valuable. > > There are those which distribute majority of values for non-profit > purposes: > https://www.marketwatch.com/story/20-incredible-charities-that-give-99-of-the-money-they-get-to-the-actual-cause-2017-12-28 > > Then there are those which distribute just 30% - 40% for non-profit > purposes: > https://moneyinc.com/worst-charities-you-shouldnt-be-donating-to/ > > So that is what I tell you, while non-profit is designated > "non-profit" in many sectors of its activities they may be actually > profit organization. IRS would ask for taxes for any activity that is > not charity activity. For any income to its directors beyond or within > charity activities they anyway have to pay taxes. You see? It is just > that purpose is different. Profits are there. When we say "non-profit" > it only points out to structure of the organization, to its main > purposes. But profits are there and should be, that is in other > context. Charity has to make money somehow. Hat off to that. > -- > Jean > > Take action in Free Software Foundation campaigns: > https://www.fsf.org/campaigns > > In support of Richard M. Stallman > https://stallmansupport.org/ >