* Christopher Dimech <dim...@gmx.com> [2021-06-23 23:13]: > You are correct. It is not about non-profits disliking business. > It is about those people who only value non-profit.
I don't know such people. What I know from experience is that non-profit organizations always work hand in hand with profit organizations. Especially for the reason that money usually comes from one to other and each party benefits. Non-profit gets the money or other values and profit one gets tax deductions. That is how it is in Germany and US and other countries. Condition is that non-profit is recognized by tax authorities as having public interest. > It’s not hard to start a nonprofit. The barriers to entry is pretty > low. It costs a few hundred dollars and a few hours. But then what? > Running a nonprofit and growing it to a size where it can effectively > serve something takes resources. Of course, I should know that as being a corporate service provider for last 19 years. Though in Germay it is considerably harder, but we do it even remotely. They use the middle ages notary system with few other countries in Europe. If anybody considers donating to non-profit one should consider maybe doing a direct contribution to social aspect. Often it will be more valuable. There are those which distribute majority of values for non-profit purposes: https://www.marketwatch.com/story/20-incredible-charities-that-give-99-of-the-money-they-get-to-the-actual-cause-2017-12-28 Then there are those which distribute just 30% - 40% for non-profit purposes: https://moneyinc.com/worst-charities-you-shouldnt-be-donating-to/ So that is what I tell you, while non-profit is designated "non-profit" in many sectors of its activities they may be actually profit organization. IRS would ask for taxes for any activity that is not charity activity. For any income to its directors beyond or within charity activities they anyway have to pay taxes. You see? It is just that purpose is different. Profits are there. When we say "non-profit" it only points out to structure of the organization, to its main purposes. But profits are there and should be, that is in other context. Charity has to make money somehow. -- Jean Take action in Free Software Foundation campaigns: https://www.fsf.org/campaigns In support of Richard M. Stallman https://stallmansupport.org/