On 2015-09-01, at 11:07, Jarmo Hurri <jarmo.hu...@iki.fi> wrote:

> Marcin Borkowski <mb...@mbork.pl> writes:
>>> I am writing a relatively extensive document in org, and I am
>>> currently trying to figure out how to split the exported html into
>>> multiple html pages.
>> Does this help?
>> https://github.com/mbork/org-one-to-many
> Greetings Marcin.
> Looks inviting. The built-in html exporter desperately needs something
> like this.
> I have to be prepared to share my org-file(s) of this project with other
> people, so I am avoiding code outside the standard org distribution. Now
> if only that famous *someone* would incorporate your solution into the
> core.

That is non-trivial due to licensing issues.  When (and if) I sign the
FSF papers, this might be easier.  I'll look into it.

> The one thing that would need to be added, if I understand your solution
> correctly, is an index and automatic links to index, prev, next etc.

If you prepare your file so that all headlines get split, the main file
"becomes" the index file.  (The =bullets= parameter should help with
that, but unfortunately it doesn't really work very well.)

I may try to add such a feature anyway.  It requires a bit of thinking,
though, since which headlines exactly are split into their own files is
rather general, so the very meaning of "next" might not really be

> Thanks,
> Jarmo


Marcin Borkowski
Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science
Adam Mickiewicz University

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