
Martin Carlé <m...@aiguphonie.com> writes:

> guess the commit c27c101f (08/16/2015 04:14 PM) with the title "org.el: Fix 
> `org-comment-string' fontification" has chosen a bit too harsh 'fixation' 
> method:
> Since then, the 'org-special-keyword' face for 'COMMENT' is not
> applied to heading of lower levels any more but only to the top one.

Fixed. Thank you.

> The minimal example below also demonstrates another possibly
> unintended fontification. Bold and italic faces (or the other options
> of http://orgmode.org/org.html#Emphasis-and-monospace) are extended
> across lists which they probably should not.

Yes, they should not. However there are limits to regexp based
fontification. We need to rewrite fontification process to handle this
properly, but we're not there yet.


Nicolas Goaziou

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