Hi Nick,

Nick Dokos <ndo...@gmail.com> writes:
> Andreas Leha <andreas.l...@med.uni-goettingen.de> writes:
>> I forgot...
>> Andreas Leha <andreas.l...@med.uni-goettingen.de> writes:
>>> Hi all,
>>> How can I make my toy sample file below export properly to github
>>> flavoured markdown (using ox-gfm)?
>>> (Of course including the file local variables in exported *.md file...)
>> ... and without having them apply to the current *.org file.
>>> If I try I get
>>> ,----
>>> | hack-local-variables: Malformed local variable line: ""
>>> `----
>>> Thanks,
>>> Andreas
>>> PS: the sample file
>>> #+md: <!-- Some Comment -->
>>> * Test File
>>> With text.
>>> #+md: <!--
>>> #+md: Local Variables:
>>> #+md:  mode: gfm
>>> #+md:  markdown-command: "marked"
>>> #+md: End:
>>> #+md: -->
> Add a noexport section with a control-L as contents at the end.
> Emacs only looks at the last "page" of the file for local variables
> so the control-L will stop it.

Thanks!  That is amazing!  That solves my second problem.  So, the
original *.org file is indeed opened in Org mode.  Nice.

Now I still need to know how to export to github flavoured markdown
(gfm) with the file local variables set.  This still fails with
| hack-local-variables: Malformed local variable line: ""

Any help with that?

For reference, here is my test org file again:
--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
#+md: <!-- Some Comment -->

* Test File

With text.

#+md: <!--
#+md: Local Variables:
#+md:  mode: gfm
#+md:  markdown-command: "marked"
#+md: End:
#+md: -->
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---


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