On Fri, Aug 21, 2015 at 10:20 AM, Nicolas Goaziou
<m...@nicolasgoaziou.fr> wrote:
> Ista Zahn <istaz...@gmail.com> writes:
>> Unless you've restored sanity by setting org-export-babel-evaluate to
>> nil. Personally I think this is not a good default. Source block
>> evaluation and export are distinct actions, and I don't see why they
>> should be linked by default.
> Wild guess:
> Principle of least surprise: setting it to nil means results from Babel
> code are not refreshed before export, without user realizing about it.
> I think most users would like them to be up-to-date before export. It
> seems sane to me.

The problem is that if the code blocks are non-trivial it slows down
the export. Changing one line of documentation and exporting
re-evaluates all the code blocks, which for me often takes several
minutes. The defaults work for trivial examples, but not my real-world
use. Since it's easy to make it work how I want it to via
org-export-babel-evaluate I don't mean to complain too much. I posted
mostly to make sure the OP knows about org-export-babel-evaluate, in
case disabling code block evaluation on export makes sense for them.

> In any case, I don't see the harm here. OP uses invalid syntax and is
> warned about that. I think it's a decent way to proceed.

Yes, I agree about that.


> Regards,

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