Jarmo Hurri <jarmo.hu...@iki.fi> writes:

> Thomas S. Dye <t...@tsdye.com> writes:
>> * Define a local variable
>> #+name: my-var
>> #+header: :exports none
>> #+begin_src R
>> 768
>> #+end_src
>> #+name: pass-my-var-to-code-block
>> #+header: :var x=my-var
>> #+header: :exports both
>> #+begin_src emacs-lisp
>> (+ x 1)
>> #+end_src
>> #+results: pass-my-var-to-code-block
>> : 769
>> The variable is call_my-var().
> Yeah, this will work, but it's a huge amount of work.
> It would be brilliant if one could easily refer to a property inside a
> subtree. In both text and code.

I agree - and I asked the same question some time (years?) ago.

But you could make this easier if you would use macro expansion and
to insert your value instead of the variable name - so

my-var is {{{my-var}}}

would be exported to

my-var is 769

Just don't ask me how to define the macro... - possibly

#+MACRO: my-var call_my-var()


Actually, I think it would be a cool if one could always use
{{{VARIABLE_NAME}}} and get the value of the variable VARIABLE_NAME back
to be inserted in text.
In other words, macro expansion would do the following:

1) Check if a macro is defined with the name, if yes, use that
2) if no macro is defined with this name, return the variable as string
3) if no variable is defined continue as usual



> Jarmo

Rainer M. Krug, PhD (Conservation Ecology, SUN), MSc (Conservation Biology, 
UCT), Dipl. Phys. (Germany)

Centre of Excellence for Invasion Biology
Stellenbosch University
South Africa

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