Fabrice Popineau <fabrice.popin...@supelec.fr> writes: > On this thread, I will report quite a different user experience. > I have been a long time user of emacs and Gnus (Emacs since 1987). > I have been using (ding) Gnus under Windows NT in the late 90's and up > to about 2010. > > But now, I process my mail using the GMail browser interface. > The reasons are mostly due to : > - emacs is slow, chrome displays email more precisely and more quickly > - emacs is not multi-threaded, hence it may get stuck processing > stuff. > Using the browser to process mail allows me not to be disturbed when > I'm writing documents or programming using Emacs. > > I'll keep and eye on the solutions that have been reported here > though.
Interesting. I use a variety of email clients, mainly browser-based ones (GMail, Fastmail), Thunderbird, and gnus. I keep gnus in the arsenal for three main reasons: 1) I can do everything quickly without having to move my hands from the keyboard. If there isn't already a shortcut for what I want, I can add one. 2) I need a decent editor for replies. I have not found a browser-based client that has this. 3) To bring this somewhat back on topic, I've recently discovered org capture, and I love the fact that I can capture a note with a link to a specific email message. That last feature alone is reason enough for me. FWIW, I'm on a Mac, and I generally use Gnu emacs for editing, programming, etc., and use Aquamacs for running gnus. This avoids any latency problems, etc. -pd