On Thursday, 6 Aug 2015 at 15:43, Xebar Saram wrote: > Hi list > > I know this is a bit off topic but im desperately looking for some advice > regarding email through emacs. > > i have tried a bunch of them over the last month (gnus, mu4e, wanderlust, > rmail,mew and maybe other i forget).
I use gnus and have done so almost exclusively for a long time now. almost exclusively because I do read email on my phone now and again. gnus, like org, can do almost anything but does have a steep learning curve for some aspects. gnus works just fine with gmail. configuring for gmail is quite easy these days: http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/GnusGmail Maybe if you indicate what didn't work, we can try to help although you might get better response on the gnus mailing list: http://gnus.org/resources.html -- : Eric S Fraga (0xFFFCF67D), Emacs, Org release_8.3beta-1315-ga3b2b7