Ista Zahn <> writes:

> I had this problem too, but only on one of my machines. In my case it was 
> triggered by "(require 'ob-R)". Running "byte-compile-file" on ob-R.el fixed 
> it for me. I
> don't know what that means, but maybe it will give someone a clue as to how 
> to track this down.
> best,
> Ista

I don't have "(require 'ob-R)" anywhere in my "" so something
else is triggering the error message, which only occurs when I try to
load a new version of org-mode.

However, I have used Ista's solution and am now back up and running with
8.3.1 from org-plus-contribs-20150805. So it seems that there is
something in "ob-R.el" that needs compiling twice to run effectively.
Once when you install/update org-mode, and then a separate run before
you restart emacs and org-mode again.


> On Aug 5, 2015 6:23 PM, "Bastien Guerry" <> wrote:
>     Sharon Kimble <> writes:
>     > ╭────
>     > │org-babel-safe-header-args , and I think it said something about the
>     > | function being void. |
>     > ╰────
>     A similar error is also reported here:
>     Anyone knows how to reproduce and fix this?
>     --
>      Bastien

A taste of linux =
TGmeds =
Debian 8.0, fluxbox 1.3.7, emacs

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