Titus von der Malsburg <malsb...@posteo.de> writes:

> I’d like to use org-mode to create an academic poster like this one

> However, this doesn’t work for two reasons:
> 1.) Org mode ignores that I want blocks and instead uses frame
> environments.

I'm not sure if that's possible but you could try setting
org-beamer-frame-level to a 0 value.

> My question: What do I have to do in org to get the desired structure in
> Latex?  This structure would be something like the following:
> #+BEGIN_SRC latex
>     \begin{columns}
>     \begin{column}{0.48\columnwidth}
>     \begin{block}{Introduction}
>     This poster is about
>     \end{block}
>     \begin{block}{Design}
>     To test A we did B.
>     \end{block}
>     \end{column}
>     &

You could try something like the following (not tested)

--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
* First column                                                    :B_columns:
:BEAMER_env: columns
** Introduction
This poster is about

** Design
To test A we did B
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---


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