On Sunday, 26 Jul 2015 at 15:04, Xiha wrote: > 2) I have #+OPTIONS: H:9 num:9 because explicit level structure is > important for this document. I would like to have more control over
For LaTeX export, this will not work (AFAIK) as LaTeX only supports 4 or so levels of headings. > how this is exported, e.g. by setting heading font size as well as > left-margin widths per level, for a staircase-like effect similar to > that obtained with org-indent-mode in Org itself. (How) can this be > done? If you want this kind of control, you should ensure that the LaTeX uses the scrartcl (koma-script) article class which is highly configurable. However, you will have to do the LaTeX configuration yourself directly using #+latex: and #+latex_header: org directives in your org document. For HTML export, you will need to define the appropriate CSS specifications to achieve the stair case effect. I have no idea how this would be done... > 3) I forget through which command/menu, but I set custom markers that > 'highlight' the words they surround, within Org itself. I'm using the > 'leuven' theme which makes them stand out with a yellow background - > useful for passages that need work etc. But now when I try to export > to HTML or PDF, it fails with "Unknown marker at 10497". Is there a > way to get the highlighting in the exported document? Alternatively, > can I tell the exporter to ignore the custom markers, i.e. treat them > as regular characters? Could you maybe post a small example file? I have no idea what you are describing unfortunately. -- : Eric S Fraga (0xFFFCF67D), Emacs, Org release_8.3beta-1293-g985420