
James Harkins <jamshar...@qq.com> writes:

> *If* you already know what you're doing, then you know that you can't
> have multiple properties of the same name in the same PROPERTIES
> drawer.
> If you are reading the manual because you don't already know what
> you're doing, then you might simply convert the default block of
> options (inserted by C-c C-e # default RET) into multiple lines of
> properties, and then get annoyed when many of them are ignored.
> Perhaps add this?
> ~~
> ... become, respectively, ‘EXPORT_DATE’ and ‘EXPORT_OPTIONS’ properties. Note 
> that multiple EXPORT_OPTIONS lines are not supported, because node properties 
> must have unique identifiers.
> ~~

I don't mind improving the wording. However, this is inaccurate because
you can add augmented properties:


Also, C-c C-e C-s # default RET already inserts the default options as
a set of node properties.


Nicolas Goaziou

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