On Wed, Jul 08, 2015 at 10:59:54AM -0500, Don Armstrong wrote:
> The relative timezone of the observer is important, though, because
> that's how you enter the information, and it's often the most logical
> way to display the information. If you just store UTC there's no way to
> regenerate that.

I'd suggest that the relative timezone of the observer is normally the
same, and if it should differ a display override sounds appropriate.

> Though all of that said, just storing UTC is significantly easier, and
> while I'd love to see a complete implementation, an incomplete
> implementation which could be expanded to become complete would be a
> great advance.

I think the question is would supporting timezones be difficult to add?

Then would you store the time in UTC only, or support a full timestamp
that included timezone?

Finally when being displayed they can use the user's $TZ by default,
and maybe a suffix of @ TZ inside the date syntax?

Russell Adams                            rlad...@adamsinfoserv.com

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