Peter Davis <> writes: > I'm writing a fairly simple document with some #+BEGIN_SRC/#+END_SRC > blocks, and when I try to export to LaTeX/PDF, I get: > > org-latex-src-block: Wrong type argument: stringp, nil > > Does this ring any bells? I can try to cobble together a "neutralized" > sample to reproduce the problem, but I thought I'd see if anyone > recognized it.
Ok, here's a sample file and image that reproduces the problem. Any help appreciated. Thank you. -pd
#+STARTUP: showeverything logdone #+options: num:nil #+OPTIONS: H:5 num:t \n:nil @:t ::t |:t ^:nil -:t f:t *:t <:t #+LaTeX_CLASS: koma-article #+LaTeX_HEADER: \usepackage{listings} #+LATEX_HEADER: \setlength{\parskip}{2ex plus 4pt minus 2pt} #+LATEX_HEADER: \setlength{\parindent}{0pt} #+LATEX_HEADER: \renewcommand{\baselinestretch}{1.0} #+LATEX_HEADER: \setlength{\topsep}{-10pt} #+LATEX_HEADER: \setlength{\partopsep}{0pt} #+LaTeX_HEADER: \usepackage{xcolor} #+LaTeX_HEADER: \lstset{ #+LaTeX_HEADER: basicstyle=\ttfamily, #+LaTeX_HEADER: breaklines=true, #+LaTeX_HEADER: prebreak=\mbox{\ensuremath{\color{red}\hookleftarrow}}, #+LaTeX_HEADER: postbreak=\raisebox{0ex}[0ex][0ex]{\ensuremath{\color{red}\hookrightarrow\space}}, #+LaTeX_HEADER: columns=fullflexible, #+LaTeX_HEADER: keepspaces=true #+LaTeX_HEADER: } #+LaTeX_CLASS_OPTIONS: [article,letterpaper,times,12pt,listings-bw,microtype] #+author: Peter Davis #+title: LaTeX export issue * Overview Many applications using the XYZCo API will follow a sequence of operations like this: ** User logs in, establishing identity and access privileges The login page is invoked via an http request, such as: #+BEGIN_SRC js GET #+END_SRC In the Sample App, this results in a page showing four buttons: [[./pd-logo-jelly-small.gif]] ** Login with XYZ If the user selects "Login with XYZ", the Sample App invokes this URL: #+BEGIN_SRC GET #+END_SRC The response, 302, results in a redirect to a new page prompting for username and password is presented[1]: #+BEGIN_SRC js GET #+END_SRC [[./pd-logo-jelly-small.gif]] Entering a username and password here results in this request: #+BEGIN_SRC js POST #+END_SRC [[./pd-logo-jelly-small.gif]] ** The application provides security information (e.g., OAuth2 token) to enable access to information #+BEGIN_SRC js GET #+END_SRC #+BEGIN_SRC js GET ... #+END_SRC >From this point, the application can present other options to the user. [1] If the user is not already logged in, he or she will see the login page