Hi Titus I have been exploring helm-bibtex a bit today and have some questions. btw is this the preferred way to make requests/ask questions or is github preferred?
in any case i was wondering a few things: 1. is it possible to have custom sorting? i want all views to sort by Author, year, month 2. i would really like a way to have stored smart groups (like the jabref dynamic groups if your aware of that). that is for example create a group that auto selects all publications i have (by my first/last name) and shows the count (in numbers) of these publications. Another example is a group to keep track of all the papers im working on or invloved with by matching keyword author and prep/*other key word 3.is it possible to ass an option to auto generate a bibkey for a selected citation based on user criteria such as author(date)short-title? thx so much in advance, you and john have given me confidence to finally dive into the whole latex/bibteX world best Z