>>>>> John Hendy <jw.he...@gmail.com>:

> On Tue, May 12, 2015 at 11:43 AM, David Masterson <dsmaster...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
>> I've asked this before and I'll probably continue asking as I move in
>> and out of using it, but...
>> What's the development status of MobileOrg -- particularly on IOS?  From
>> what I see, it appears that development is stalled.  My attempts at
>> trying to use it show the following:
>> * It seems to work even on my iPhone 6 as far as it goes
>> * It only seems to support basic viewing and minimal editting

> What would you expect/like?

I'm not David, and I use android and not IOS, but I would like to see
habit tracking implemented, including habit tracking with comments.

It would also be nice to have tables, especially with all of the
features in emacs org.

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