Oleg Sivokon <olegsivo...@gmail.com> writes: > I've started working on the test as I realized that the behavior no > longer reproduces (since I've filed the bug, I've rebuilt my > Emacs...). Now even if the marker is initially in the wrong buffer, if > you call `marker-position', it still succeeds. I checked the history of > `marker-position' source and `CHECK_MARKER' source, but there was no > change there recent enough to suspect them to be the reason of the > behavior I've seen.
Odd. Anyway, if you can't reproduce it, I guess there's nothing to fix at the moment. > I've tried going back to Emacs 24.5 (the one installed from > distribution package manager), but it's not compatible with the Org > version that I've build from the master yesterday. It should be. Development version currently tries to be compatible with both Emacs 23 and Emacs 24. How does this incompatibility manifest itself? > If this is important, it is incompatible in that ox-latex expects > there to be a `cl-struct-define' macro, but it probably didn't exist > yet in the 24.5 times. Do you mean `defstruct'? If so, it has been in cl.el for ages. I doubt this is related to the incompatibility you are experiencing. Regards,