On Monday, 27 Apr 2015 at 07:58, Lawrence Bottorff wrote: [...]
> will result in both the * Introduction blurb as well as the stuff > between > the tatex "structural elements" being exported. With latex babel I can > tangle and get only what I want. This is handy if I want to throw > around a > lot of chatter and extraneous stuff that ultimately I won't want in my > final document. We might call this "annotations a la orgmode." But, > yes, > then I don't get the built-in orgmode latex support that comes with a > regular latex export. Please advise if I'm wrong on this > understanding. No, your understanding is spot on. What you can do is have sections in your org file which do not get exported, using either the :noexport: tag or by commenting out individual headlines (C-c ;). However, this is not quite what you have illustrated in your email. -- : Eric S Fraga (0xFFFCF67D), Emacs 24.4.1, Org release_8.3beta-790-gb719c1.dirty