On Sunday, 26 Apr 2015 at 19:20, Lawrence Bottorff wrote: > I'm following the Latex howto of org-mode babel. Here's the snippet from > the howto I've got in a separate .org file (see bottom of howto page):
[...] > My real confusion starts when I try to tangle the babel code blocks. The > C-c C-v t command produces two separate files just fine, a .tex and .el, > but then if I try to Run Latex on the .tex file just by itself it gives an > error. Here's what the org-mode tangle produces: Why do you wish to tangle? The LaTeX will definitely not work standalone as it is not complete. You can export your document to LaTeX (C-c C-e l l) which is probably what you want? -- : Eric S Fraga (0xFFFCF67D), Emacs, Org release_8.3beta-1062-gce4e64