completion <M-TAB> / :CREATED: property issue what i saw: a list of possible drawers what i expected: a list of possible properties
In the following outline: using completion after the 1st colon / open property location presents a list of possible properties; using completion after the 2nd colon / open property location presents a list of possible drawers. I believe that the issue is caused by the ":CREATED:" property. ======== * test :PROPERTIES: : :CREATED: [2015-04-23 Thu 12:41] : :END: ======== I am able to reproduce this issue in a 'fresh' file with the outline above. I am using: Window 7 Home Premium Version 6.1 (Build 7601: Service Pack 1). It is my habit to run Windows Update. (emacs-version) "GNU Emacs 24.4.1 (i686-pc-mingw32) of 2014-10-24 on LEG570" (org-version) "8.2.10" 20150420. (require 'org-expiry) ;;;org-expiry - variables (setq org-expiry-confirm-flag t) (setq org-expiry-inactive-timestamps t) ;;;org-expiry (org-expiry-insinuate) I am able to reproduce this issue in a minimal setup runemacs -Q with one difference: Using completion at the 2nd colon inserts the beginning of a new property drawer ":PROPERTIES:". I do not see this difference as being significant (a drawer instead of a property is offered). I have not found this issue on the list of open or archived bugs. I realize that this is an add-on and the answer might be: "This issue is somebody elses' problem." Any help or a pointer as to where a correction might lie would be greatly appreciated. Thank you, Frank.