Hi worgers, The button 'Show Org source' disappoints on worg pages when the url does not contain an explicit name. See e.g. http://orgmode.org/worg/ vs. http://orgmode.org/worg/index.html.
This behavior is due to javascript-function #v+ function show_org_source(){ document.location.href = rpl(document.location.href,"html","org.html"); } #v- which changes nothing when the href contains no "html". I propose to change this function to #v+ function show_org_source() { var loc = document.location; if (-1 != loc.href.indexOf("html")) { loc.href = rpl(loc.href, "html", "org.html"); } else { loc.pathname += "index.org.html"; } } #v- I do not understand how the function 'show_org_source' gets pasted into each worg-page. Can anyone please explain? Can anybody even apply the fix? Ciao, Marco -- http://www.wahlzone.de GPG: 0x49010A040A3AE6F2