I wonder how difficult it would be to add a 3rd "TARGET" date to headings/tasks, which is treated similar to Deadline and Scheduled dates (can be used in agenda, can be easily set and modified, ...) :
example: * TODO [#A] My org-mode task TARGET: <2015-04-01 Mi> SCHEDULED: <2015-03-30 Mo> Background: I often use "artificial deadlines" to specify that a certain task shall be done until tomorrow (or another date). And this date is neither the starting date nor is it a real deadline. Up to now I'm using the DEADLINE date for this purpose, but I don't like that solution, as it is confusing for me to know which deadlines are real "hard" deadlines (e.g. I have to send in my tax declaration until a certain date and not one day later) and those artificial ones, which not carved in stone. So is there an easy way (I don't know, how modular org-mode is set up) to add this 3rd TARGET date to org-mode? Martin