Guess it's a bug that fuzzy links won't match a commented headline whereas the other internal link types (custom_id and org ID) do.
Or is there a special purpose for this specific type of link regarding comments? Just check the following example: ,------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | * First headline | 1. fuzzy link to [[Second headline]] -- ok | 2. fuzzy link to commented [[Third headline]] -- fails | | 3. custom_id link to commented [[#Fourth][Fourth headline]] -- ok | 4. id link to commented [[id:D91E1EF3-2918-4F37-98EB-E2C92ACBE372][Fifth headline]] -- ok | | * Second headline | | * COMMENT Third headline | | * COMMENT Fourth headline | :PROPERTIES: | :CUSTOM_ID: Fourth | :END: | | * Fifth headline | :PROPERTIES: | :ID: D91E1EF3-2918-4F37-98EB-E2C92ACBE372 | :END: | `------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Fetch my gnupg key: gpg --keyserver --recv-keys 7E3CA33F
Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature