On 3/3/15 2:26 PM, Vaidheeswaran C wrote:Hello,On Tuesday 03 March 2015 08:41 PM, Monroe, Will wrote:Hello,I'm trying to troubleshoot a corrupt ODT file that I've exported from org-mode. The org-mode manual provides some guidance for this process on the "Validating OpenDocument XML" page (see http://orgmode.org/manual/Validating-OpenDocument-XML.html#Validating-OpenDocument-XML). It mentions validation of an ODT document against the "OpenDocument RELAX NG Compact Syntax (RNC) schema". I have obtained the xml and RNC files from the org-mode Github site but I'm unsure how to use them. The org-mode manual page mentions general help in the Introduction (see http://orgmode.org/nxml-mode/Introduction.html#Introduction) but I get a 404 error when I attempt to load the page. Does anyone know where I can read this guide?You can avoid the cross-manual link errors, by using the manuals at gnu.org site: https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/org/Validating-OpenDocument-XML.html For verification, this is roughly what you need to do: 1. Copy over schema file. 2. Reload Emacs. 3. C-x C-f file.odt 4. Press ENTER on content.xml 5. C-c C-n (M-x rng-next-error) Or You can try an online validator: http://odf-validator.rhcloud.com/ Based on my own experience, your *.org file is NOT in utf-8 and uses non-English characters (whatever they are called). Just switch the file to utf-8 encoding and you will be all set. Thanks for your reply. I checked the text formatting of the .org document and it was utf-8 (confirmed by Emacs "U" in the modeline). I also tried exporting it again and looking at the Messages--can't believe I didn't do that to begin with--and I saw this: ,---- | LaTeX to MathML converter not available. | Formatting LaTeX using verbatim | Embedding /Users/wmonro1/Dropbox/org/panopto-create-recording.png as Images/0001.png... | Wrote /var/folders/_r/333b9wt92kncthm2ph8wpp59b0ccdd/T/odt-66242t3k/meta.xml | Using schema ~/Dropbox/emacs/org-odt-schema/schema/od-schema-v1.2-os.rnc [2 times] | Saving file /var/folders/_r/333b9wt92kncthm2ph8wpp59b0ccdd/T/odt-66242t3k/styles.xml... | Wrote /var/folders/_r/333b9wt92kncthm2ph8wpp59b0ccdd/T/odt-66242t3k/.styles.xml.~undo-tree~ | Wrote /var/folders/_r/333b9wt92kncthm2ph8wpp59b0ccdd/T/odt-66242t3k/styles.xml | Using vacuous schema | Wrote /var/folders/_r/333b9wt92kncthm2ph8wpp59b0ccdd/T/odt-66242t3k/mimetype | Using vacuous schema | Saving file /var/folders/_r/333b9wt92kncthm2ph8wpp59b0ccdd/T/odt-66242t3k/META-INF/manifest.xml... | Wrote /var/folders/_r/333b9wt92kncthm2ph8wpp59b0ccdd/T/odt-66242t3k/META-INF/.manifest.xml.~undo-tree~ | Wrote /var/folders/_r/333b9wt92kncthm2ph8wpp59b0ccdd/T/odt-66242t3k/META-INF/manifest.xml | Saving file /var/folders/_r/333b9wt92kncthm2ph8wpp59b0ccdd/T/odt-66242t3k/content.xml... | Wrote /var/folders/_r/333b9wt92kncthm2ph8wpp59b0ccdd/T/odt-66242t3k/.content.xml.~undo-tree~ | Wrote /var/folders/_r/333b9wt92kncthm2ph8wpp59b0ccdd/T/odt-66242t3k/content.xml | (No changes need to be saved) | Creating ODT file... | Running zip -mX0 work.odt mimetype | Running zip -rmTq work.odt . | Created /Users/wmonro1/Dropbox/org/work.odt | Parsing archive file...done. | Running open /Users/wmonro1/Dropbox/org/work.odt...done | Parsing archive file...done. `---- The presence of the /.content.xml.~undo-tree~, /.manifest.xml.~undo-tree~, and /.styles.xml.~undo-tree~ got my attention. After submitting the document to the online validator (default settings used), these files, undoubtedly created by my personal inspection in Emacs, showed up again: ,---- | Details: | work.odt: Info: ODF version of root document: 1.2 | work.odt/META-INF/manifest.xml: Error: The file '.content.xml.~undo-tree~' shall be listed in the 'META-INF/manifest.xml' file as it exists in the ODF package 'work.odt'! | work.odt/META-INF/manifest.xml: Error: The file '.styles.xml.~undo-tree~' shall be listed in the 'META-INF/manifest.xml' file as it exists in the ODF package 'work.odt'! | work.odt/META-INF/manifest.xml: Error: The file 'META-INF/.manifest.xml.~undo-tree~' shall be listed in the 'META-INF/manifest.xml' file as it exists in the ODF package 'work.odt'! | work.odt/META-INF/manifest.xml: Warning: The directory 'Images/' is not a sub-document and should not be listed in the 'META-INF/manifest.xml' file of ODF package 'work.odt'! | internal:/schema/odf1.2/OpenDocument-v1.2-cos01-manifest-schema.rng: Info: parsed. | work.odt/META-INF/manifest.xml: Info: 3 errors, 1 warnings | work.odt/mimetype: Info: no errors, no warnings | work.odt: Info: Media Type: application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text | internal:/schema/odf1.2/OpenDocument-v1.2-cos01-schema.rng: Info: parsed. | work.odt/meta.xml: Info: Generator: | work.odt/meta.xml: Info: no errors, no warnings | work.odt/styles.xml[2,6289]: Error: unexpected attribute "loext:contextual-spacing" | work.odt/styles.xml[2,7187]: Error: unexpected attribute "loext:contextual-spacing" | work.odt/styles.xml[2,7885]: Error: unexpected attribute "loext:contextual-spacing" | work.odt/styles.xml[2,15357]: Error: unexpected attribute "loext:contextual-spacing" | work.odt/styles.xml[2,16222]: Error: unexpected attribute "loext:contextual-spacing" | work.odt/styles.xml[2,25655]: Error: unexpected attribute "loext:contextual-spacing" | work.odt/styles.xml[2,26198]: Error: unexpected attribute "loext:contextual-spacing" | work.odt/styles.xml[2,26482]: Error: unexpected attribute "loext:contextual-spacing" | work.odt/styles.xml[2,27530]: Error: unexpected attribute "loext:contextual-spacing" | work.odt/styles.xml[2,28689]: Error: unexpected attribute "loext:contextual-spacing" | work.odt/styles.xml[2,29340]: Error: unexpected attribute "loext:contextual-spacing" | work.odt/styles.xml[2,34718]: Error: unexpected attribute "loext:contextual-spacing" | work.odt/styles.xml[2,43716]: Error: unexpected attribute "loext:rel-width-rel" | work.odt/styles.xml: Info: 13 errors, no warnings | work.odt/content.xml: Info: no errors, no warnings | internal:/schema/odf1.2/OpenDocument-v1.2-cos01-dsig-schema.rng: Info: parsed. | work.odt: Info: 16 errors, 1 warnings `---- So my best guess is that I need to remove ~undo-tree files to generate an ODT file that is valid. Although I'm at a loss as to where these files might be. I've checked in .emacs.d/elpa/org, where my org-mode is installed and in the default `org-odt-data-dir' that I set. Am I on the right track? If so, is there another place where the style files might reside? Will |
- [O] Missing org-mode manual page: Validating OpenDocument... Monroe, Will
- Re: [O] Missing org-mode manual page: Validating Ope... Vaidheeswaran C
- Re: [O] Missing org-mode manual page: Validating... Monroe, Will
- Re: [O] Missing org-mode manual page: Valida... Vaidheeswaran C
- Re: [O] Missing org-mode manual page: Va... Will Monroe
- Re: [O] Missing org-mode manual page... Vaidheeswaran C
- Re: [O] Missing org-mode manual ... Monroe, Will