Hi Richard,

2015ko martxoak 3an, Richard Lawrence-ek idatzi zuen:
> Aaron Ecay <aarone...@gmail.com> writes:
>> It would also be possible to just use an external program like
>> citeproc-java.  WDYT?
> I agree with Rasmus that using an external tool is the preferred way to
> go here.  I don't think introducing a dependency is really a problem, so
> long as we choose the right dependency -- LaTeX is a dependency for the
> PDF exporter, after all.

OK, I’m satisfied that there is good rationale for using an external
tool.  This will make some things a lot easier.

> Is there any reason to go with citeproc-java over a different CSL
> implementation, like citeproc-js or pandoc-citeproc?  I am a little
> nervous about shelling out to something that sounds it like it requires
> loading the JVM...

citeproc-java has a bibtex parser; citeproc-js doesn’t.  (The simplest
of many reasons.)

I looked at pandoc-citeproc, but it seems tightly integrated with
pandoc’s internal JSON representation, and not as flexible for general
purpose usage as citeproc-(js,java).

> I think Zotero also has a built-in CSL processor (actually, I think it
> uses citeproc-js), and Erik Hetzner's zotxt plugin looks like it lets
> you communicate with it in client-server fashion:
> https://bitbucket.org/egh/zotxt/src
> So maybe Zotero + zotxt is a good candidate for a `blessed' citation
> manager and CSL processor?

Requiring a running zotero seems worse to me than requiring the JVM.  I
guess it should be an option, but probably not the default.

Aaron Ecay

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