I'm trying to derive an exporter backend from ASCII. I need to add some export options, so I have:
#+BEGIN_SRC {emacs-lisp} (org-export-define-derived-backend 'scdoc 'ascii :translate-alist ... omitted for brevity... :options-alist '((:categories "CATEGORIES" nil nil t) (:related "RELATED" nil nil t) (:summary "SUMMARY" nil nil t) (:redirect "REDIRECT" nil nil t)) ) ... snip snip... (defun org-scdoc-template (contents info) "Return complete document string after SCDoc conversion. CONTENTS is the transcoded contents string. INFO is a plist holding export options." (let* ((title (org-export-data (plist-get info :title) info)) (categories (org-export-data (plist-get info :categories) info)) (related (org-export-data (plist-get info :related) info)) (summary (org-export-data (plist-get info :summary) info)) (redirect (org-export-data (plist-get info :redirect) info)) (output (format "TITLE:: %s\n" title))) (if categories (setq output (concat output (format "CATEGORIES:: %s\n" categories)))) (if related (setq output (concat output (format "RELATED:: %s\n" categories)))) (if summary (setq output (concat output (format "SUMMARY:: %s\n" categories)))) (if redirect (setq output (concat output (format "REDIRECT:: %s\n" categories)))) (concat output "\n\n" contents))) #+END_SRC (Pardon the un-idiomatic Emacs-lisp.) Then I created an org file that begins: #+BEGIN_SRC org ,#+title:: PulseCount ,#+summary:: Pulse counter. ,#+related:: Classes/Stepper ,#+categories:: UGens>Triggers ,* Description Each trigger increments a counter which is output as a signal. #+END_SRC Then I run org-scdoc-export-as-scdoc, and I get as the first few lines: TITLE:: CATEGORIES:: RELATED:: SUMMARY:: REDIRECT:: ... telling me that the template function retrieved empty strings for all the export options. Obviously I've done something wrong, but... what? "(let ((title (org-export-data (plist-get info :title) info)))...)" is copied from ox-latex.el, and ox-latex clearly has no problem accessing the title. Thanks in advance. I'm sure I'll have other questions later. hjh