On Tue, 24 Feb 2015, Eric S Fraga wrote:
On Tuesday, 24 Feb 2015 at 01:01, Marcin Borkowski wrote:
I have one question.
#+begin_src latex :results latex raw :exports results
Why ":results latex raw" and not ":results latex"?
I have no idea ;-)
I find, unfortunately, that getting babel to do what I want is somewhat
of an arcane art (for me) so once I get something doing what I want it
to do, I leave things alone...
`:results latex raw' is equivalent to `:results raw'.
If you try C-c C-v C-i in your src block, you will get
| Lang: latex
| Properties:
| :header-args nil
| :header-args:latex nil
| Header Arguments:
| :cache no
| :exports results
| :hlines no
| :noweb no
| :results raw replace
| :session none
| :tangle no
So the result is processed by the exporter as `raw', which works ok as
long as the exporter leaves the latex alone --- as in your case.
But sometimes is not what you want.
For example, a naked ~tildes~ will be marked up as \verb~tildes~ under
`:results raw' or `:results latex raw', and as ~tildes~ under `:results
I'm sure it all makes sense but it's probably a case of my not having
the time to figure things out properly. When I need to get something
done, it's often because I need it *now* (or yesterday :-).
Been there, too.