On Wednesday, 18 Feb 2015 at 13:51, Eduardo Ochs wrote:


> perfect, as it supposes that the person trying it has already enabled
> latex support in babel!

You mean people don't automatically have this enabled already?  ;-)

But, yes, you are correct!  My org customisations are so many that I
forget what are defaults and what are not.

I'm glad that you got help from #org-mode; I actually have that channel
in another emacs window but I wasn't looking at it.  I keep telling myself
to get another monitor but there isn't room for a third one on my desk

I do wonder, however, why we need to turn languages on or off?  It would
be nice if org-babel would do this automatically when a language
specific src block is encountered...

: Eric S Fraga (0xFFFCF67D), Emacs, Org 

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