John Kitchin writes:

> I am pretty sure this is a long-standing "feature".
> Try this:
> #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp :results raw
> (org-babel-do-load-languages
> 'org-babel-load-languages
> '((emacs-lisp . nil)
>   (R . t)))
> I have never been able to use a babel block  that outputs a list of cons
> cells without explicitly setting results to raw or code. The problem
> here is your code evaluates to ((emacs-lisp) (R . t)), and the t somehow
> gets interpreted like it should be a list, which it is not. So, it
> cannot be made into a table for output, and you get your error.
> Changing the header just bypasses this function and outputs the results
> more directly.

Hello John,

thanks for the explanation.

Unfortunately my lisp knowledge is too limited to understand you.  As a
naive org-mode user, if possible I do not want to be exposed to org
internals error, especially the confusing ones, where the custom code
works fine.  Maybe we can get a warning instead of an error?

It is not a really big issue, a newcomer can be confused, if not scared,
having an error on the fist babel usage.


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