(Jorge A. Alfaro-Murillo) writes:

> From what I read in this and the previous thread, the new proposal
> tries more or less to reimplement BibTeX in org.

No, that's wrong, not the database should be replaced. The goal is to
make citations a first class citizen in the org world (so no fallback
to LaTeX commands or links with special handlings are needed).

> The biggest advantage of having something org/elisp native as in the
> proposal would be the implementation of functions to create
> bibliographies with a specific style, what Oren Patashnik called
> "Bibliography-style hacking", which is very cumbersome in BibTeX
> (maybe is just that I cannot read WEB/Pascal and have a strong
> preference for Lisp dialects).

Hmmm... nowadays one uses biblatex[fn:1] (with its companion biber)
which makes hacking bibliography styles quite easy (in LaTeX; compared
to customizing bst files). I do not think that the current discussion
will lead to writing bib-styles in Lisp instead of LaTeX (at least not
in the foreseeable future).


Until the next mail...,

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