Hi, Thanks for the suggestion.
I tried making the columns bigger "BEAMER_col: 0.8 or whatever Didn't work. I tried making the image bigger (but maybe org doesn't see that) I don't have any other ideas on how to do this. Maybe because I have no text in the slide? Larrabee ------------------------------------------ L. Larrabee Strow UMBC Physics Department Email: st...@umbc.edu Office: 724-663-7341 Google Voice: 724-663-1441 (best for messages) Cell: 724-288-6933 (usually OFF) On Tue, Feb 10, 2015 at 1:02 PM, Eric S Fraga <e.fr...@ucl.ac.uk> wrote: > On Tuesday, 10 Feb 2015 at 15:42, Larrabee Strow wrote: > > I am trying to put a second row of two columns in a org beamer slide. > > > > No problems with doing the first row, two column. > > > > I can't figure out any way to put in the second row of two columns. > > (I am trying to show a 2x2 grid of images, with titles.) > > > > It appears to me I need something that produces and \end{columns} > > after my first row of columns. > > I don't think you need to do anything complicated. > > I have found that individual columns will go to the next "row" of > columns if the running total of the widths is greater than the page > width (\textwidth). So basically if the first two columns take up most > of the width, the next column you start will go below. Try it and > see. It works for me. > > -- > : Eric S Fraga (0xFFFCF67D), Emacs, Org > release_8.3beta-798-g528b90 >