On Tue, 10 Feb 2015, Rainer M Krug wrote:


Following a recent discussion (based on me forgetting a ":" when setting
the property :header-args), I added the output of the property
header-args to the output of org-babel-get-src-block-info to make
debugging easier.

Using the patched version, one gets the following:

| Lang: R
| Properties:
|       :header-args    :exports both :results output exports code
|       :header-args:R  :session somename
| Header Arguments:
|       :cache          no
|       :exports        both
|       :hlines         no
|       :noweb          no
|       :results        code exports output replace
|       :session        somename
|       :tangle         no

This is handy!

Just a thought:

Perhaps allow an `(interactive "P)' type `arg' to determine whether to present the properties?

i.e. C-u C-c C-v C-i reveals both Properties: and Header Arguments:, while
C-c C-v C-i just the latter.



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