#+TITLE: ECM Links for HTML only * Test
If I want to include a link (GPL logo, here) to the HTML export, I should put it in a block, right? #+begin_html [[http://opensource.org/licenses/GPL-3.0][http://img.shields.io/:license-gpl-blue.svg]] #+end_html Well, that does not work: the link is not rendered as a link; it's copied "verbatim". OTOH, the link on its own is correctly exported to HTML: [[http://opensource.org/licenses/GPL-3.0][http://img.shields.io/:license-gpl-blue.svg]] ... but it fails to be exported to LaTeX (causing a "TeX capacity exceeded" error), reason why I must not have the link when exporting to LaTeX. Is this a bug? Is there an alternative? Best regards, Seb -- Sebastien Vauban