Vikas Rawal <> writes:

> Org-ref is very functional and has so far been able to deal with much
> of my needs. So, I just hope we are not trying to fix something that
> is not broken.

IMO for the same reason it is attractive to limit *bold* to imply bold.
[At one point it was possible to alter the (export) interpretation of

Home-brewed solution are not stable compared to syntax.  Getting ad-hoc
citations in Org is very and there might be as many implementations as
there are users.

E.g. org-ruby would not (I hope) support [MY-CITE:MY-DOI]...

> The real need in the context of citations is to somehow extend the
> bibtex/biblatex integration to other export formats (odt/html, most
> importantly). Will all the new stuff that is being proposed take us in
> that direction?

That is /a/ problem but not /the/ problem.  E.g. some people prefer
Zotero.  Some might prefer DOI.

If you can live with \cite-only there's already ox-bibtex.el that will
support bibtex citations in html.


May contains speling mistake

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