I am trying to calculate a field using references to horizontal lines 
according to http://orgmode.org/manual/References.html

For example:

| col1 | col2 |
| foo  |    1 |
| bar  |    2 |
| baz  |    4 |
| sum  |      |
|      |      |
#+TBLFM: @II+1$2=vsum(@I$2..@II$2)

The field to the right of "sum" (@5$2 as a fixed reference) should be "7".

The output is as follows though (the cursor was in the "baz" field
when I pressed "C-u C-c *" to recalculate all formulas):

| col1 | col2 |
| foo  |    1 |
| bar  |    2 |
| 7    |    7 |
| 10   |   10 |
|      |      |
#+TBLFM: @II+1$2=vsum(@I$2..@II$2)

Could anyone enlighten me where I made a mistake here?

Thanks a lot,

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