
Nicolas pointed me in the right direction! It was so obvious that I looked
right passed it:
Should just create a temp buffer with the text (headline+plainlist+text) i
wish to parse, then parse that temp-buffer... so obvious, sorry for the
waste of time.

Just to give an idea of what I'm trying to accomplish:
The first implementation remains simple: I'll create 2 interactive

1: Having point on headline, (concept-expand) will call
(concept-expand-headline) in which a level 1 headline containing a link is
expanded based on the content of that link. Subheadline becomes +
plainlist, +plainlist becomes -plainlist. For example:
* readme
   Some text...
** goal
** [[*something][something]] step
    + woot
* [[*readme][readme]] This is a readme

Expanding headline 'this is a readme' would result in
* [[*readme][readme]] This is a readme
    + goal
    + [[*something][something]] step

2: Having point on item, (concept-expand) will call  (concept-expand-item)
in which items get expanded
For example: expanding item 'step results in
* [[*readme][readme]] This is a readme
   + goal
   + [[*something][something]] step
** [[link of choice or no link at all]] Do this first         :step:

Now this does seem quite stupid. In a second and third implementation I'll
try to increase the locations where concepts may be found (project,
personal, system-wide), in files (based on filename and directory) or
subheadlines (instead of headlines), expanding subheadlines and files
(based on filename and directory),...

I'm kind of looking for a way to create some abstractions/concepts, without
ever being tied to a static model/template. People must never be forced to
use the system. It remains a free choice whether you use concepts, create
your own or just choose to write anything. Any document always remains
human readable plain text.  Some concepts will always be very divers,
others will survive the test of time and stabilize.

What do you think? Waste of time? :)

kind regards,

On Sat, Jan 17, 2015 at 1:33 AM, Rasmus <ras...@gmx.us> wrote:

> Hi Dieter,
> Dieter Van Eessen <dieter.van.ees...@gmail.com> writes:
> > Hello Rasmus,
> >
> > Thank you for the fast reply, the link you've given on interpreting is
> very
> > useful ! Also didn't know there existed such thing as the org-dp library
> to
> > manipulate org-elements, I'll sure check it out.
> I don't know org-dp myself, but Thorsten posts here regularly.
> > More about question number 3:
> >>> 3) How can the output of (org-element-parse-secondary-string ...) be
> >>> used.
> >>> When I give a heading and bit of text as input (output of
> >>> buffer-substring), it looks like it returns the 'content' of the
> region.
> >>> Though I can't seem to use it anyway as 'CONTENT' for the functions
> >>> requiring this.
> >
> > The reason I've tried this (and the internal org-element--parse-elements)
> > is because I'd prefer not having to parse the whole buffer and still get
> > the contents. The local parsing functions (org-element-at-point) and
> > (org-element-context) don't contain content (stated in the org-element
> api,
> > also tried it).
> But all elements contain :begin and :end and most :contens-begin
> and :contents-end (maybe sans an 's').
> > Now I'm not sure IF I really NEED it? I could actually get the contents
> > using the  :content-begin and :content-end and other properties from
> > (org-elemen-at-point)  BUT I don't know the exact syntax the content
> should
> > have and how to merge it with the element-list I get from
> > (org-element-at-point) before feeding it to the
> org-element-interpret-data.
> Maybe it would be easier if you state plainly what your desired goal is?
> It's all a bit abstract.  You can write pretty sophisticated things using
> just (org-element-at-point) (e.g. I have a function that escapes
> *math-su{b,per}script* on double space at appropriate places).
> > [...]
> > At first I thought that the things behind #  were 'content' (for example
> in
> > the output below. These don't show up in (org-element-at-point), thus
> > explaining why they returned nil when asked for content. The
> > org-element-parse-secondary-string also returns all things behind #. If
> > this is NOT content, then how to manipulate this data (behind the #)
> whilst
> > assuring that syntax and position remains valid for
> > org-element-interpret-data to understand?
> If you want to manipulate the buffer text use the great functions.  You
> can condition on the element under point or whatever you desire and then
> use the regular functions you'd otherwise use.  I'm probably wrong, but it
> seems as if you trying to shoot flies with canons, or however the saying
> goes in English.  Also, recall there is no such thing as wrong Org-syntax
> (but there is unexpected outcomes).
> Check Org.el if you want.
> Cheers,
> Rasmus
> --
> Not everything that goes around comes back around, you know

Dieter VE

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