* Achim Gratz <strom...@nexgo.de> wrote:
> Karl Voit writes:
>> echo "testing stderr with manual redirect" 2>&1 >&2
> The last redirection ">&2" is nonsense, it only works because STDERR is
> already reopened on STDOUT and redirection to the same file descriptor
> is ignored.

Absolutely right. Must have been a non-deleted artefact after I
tested something different in that line.

> And to solve your original problem:
> #+BEGIN_SRC sh :results output
> exec 2>&1
> echo "testing stdout" >&1
> echo "testing stderr" >&2
> date -g
> :

Together with the '{ ... } 2>&1' trick, this is a valid workaround.
What I wanted to achieve is a re-direct of any (sh) babel script
without this exec-command I do have to add.

However, I could imagine an additional babel-parameter like ":stderr
redirect" (or something more meaningful) because in most cases I
have to add the ":results output" line as well.

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