On Tuesday, 6 Jan 2015 at 14:03, Giuseppe Lipari wrote: > Dear all, > > happy new year to everybody! > > I think I might have discovered a bug. > I am preparing some slides using org-beamer mode. Here is the snippet of a > table I have in my file: > > > #+ATTR_LATEX: :float t :width 4cm > | /Single node app/ | /Distributed app/ | > |-------------------+-----------------------------| > | Operating System | Distributed OS | > | Network | Network programming libs | > | Progr. language | Distributed Progr. language | > |-------------------+-----------------------------| > > If I understand well from the documentation, the "width" option should set > the width of the table. However, the exporter produces the following latex > snippet:
I can confirm this (with a version of org a few days old). One solution, in the meantime, would be to put the table within a column and use the column width option to limit the width of the table, removing the :width option for the table. This works although it is not possible to specific the width of a column directly, only as a function of \columnwidth [1] so you'll have to play around with the factor to figure out what width to specify. HTH. Footnotes: [1] as an aside, it seems strange to me to define column widths as a factor of \columnwidth instead of \textwidth or similar... seems rather self-referential? -- : Eric S Fraga (0xFFFCF67D), Emacs, Org release_8.3beta-686-g9528be.dirty