On Fri, Jan 02, 2015 at 03:47:36PM +0000, R C wrote:
> I would like to have org mode export a project using html5 elements and
> bootstrap framework adapting the worg tutorial: 
> org-publish-html-tutorial.html 
> - template with links to bootstrap css and js files, and a local.js file
> with my macro definitions for mathjax: "~/web/org-templates/level-0.org" 
> with lines of the form:
> #+STYLE:   <link href="css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet"> 
> media="screen">

I don't believe `STYLE' is used by the HTML exporter. See: `HTML_HEAD'
(`org-html-head') and `HTML_HEAD_EXTRA' (`org-html-head-extra'.)

> I also have: (setq org-html-html5-fancy t)

This only affects the use of html5 specific tags (section, article). The
exported doctype is controlled by HTML_DOCTYPE (`org-html-doctype')

> However tst.html does not show any inclusions from the level-0.org file and
> does not seem to use the html5 doctype:

Because there were no valid HTML options in level-0 and the doctype wasn't
set? Not having the contents of the file I can't be 100% sure.

Regardless, I don't think bootstrap will work very well. Doesn't it require
specific classes on the markup? To make it work you will probably need to add
additonal classes to every heading, etc.


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