(I replied to Steve directly but forgot to copy the list. Here it is.)

On 2014-12-09 19:05, Steven Arntson <ste...@stevenarntson.com> writes:

> I've been searching many moons for this exact functionality! I'm very
> glad to run across this, but as a fairly new emacser, I'm not sure what
> to do with this code. I copied it into my init.el, marked it and ran
> 'eval-region', but what do I call to use the functions? If I can get this
> working, I will be using it every day.

- open a directory in dired mode
- put the cursor on the file you want to link to
- call `org-store-link' (which may be bound to `C-c l')

The link is now stored. You can insert in an org file it with
`org-insert-link' (often bound to `C-c C-l').

Alternatively, you can use an org-capture template that captures a link
to the current context, and use it in dired mode.



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