On 2014-11-24 12:12, Daniele Pizzolli wrote:
On 2014-11-24 11:18, Andreas Leha wrote:
Hi Daniele,

I think your wishlist is somewhere further down the road.  I usually
implement some of your points in the src_language. I see that it would
be nice if org supported these use cases, but I would see them as part
of the LOB or maybe in some package in contrib rather than in core

For that, I'd argue removable inline results that can be exported
without special formatting would be all that is needed to support your

Hi Andreas,

sure, I think I will start getting the string I needed from
src_language.  But in some language is really hard to get facilities
for text manipulation while the output as table generally supported.
And I also think that the fine grained control of the layout of the
inline sentence pertains to the org layer.

Hi Andreas,

Yesterday I forgot to mention another reason because I think that the
formatting of the results pertains to the org layer and not to the
original language.

It's about proper boundaries and untrusted or limited trust of the
babel code.  By default I wish to run untrusted code and display in a
safely manner the result.  This is already possible by remote code
evaluation (but I not really checked if the output is always safely
escaped before the insertion in the org buffer).

Using the source language for outputting org-code is a viable
workaround for my needs but in the long run I will prefer to not
include some potential harmful generated org code.

I double checked about the output escaping right now.  I guessed that
the output in the raw mode was safely escaped.  But it really seems
the opposite: [[info:org#Results]].  However it seems that the RESULTS
code are not subsequently evaluated even with:

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
 '((sh . t)))

(setq org-export-babel-evaluate t)


#+NAME: is-this-safe-or-not
#+BEGIN_SRC sh :result output raw
printf 'Is nested code generation always safe? src_sh{rm -Rf /tmp/123 && echo true; echo false}'

# TODO: the pipe causes a bug...
#+RESULTS: is-this-safe-or-not
: Is nested code generation always safe? src_sh{rm -Rf /tmp/123 && echo true; echo false}

So now I am more confused than before...  Has anybody a proof or a
counterexample that is (im)possible to run safely untrusted code on
(untrusted) remote host and still have the local buffer trusted?

By the way I really wanted to write:

#+NAME: problem-with-pipes...
#+BEGIN_SRC sh :result output raw
printf 'Is nested code generation always safe? src_sh{rm -Rf /tmp/123 && echo true || echo false}'

#+RESULTS: problem-with-pipes...
| Is nested code generation always safe? src_sh{rm -Rf /tmp/123 && echo true | | echo false} |

I guess that something is wrong here:
Org-mode version 8.3beta (release_8.3beta-485-gf70439 @ /home/user/.emacs.d/el-get/org-mode/lisp/)

Maybe we need a new result format for safe output or am I missing

Thanks in advance,

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