On 2014-11-17 00:23, Nicolas Goaziou wrote:
"Charles C. Berry" writes:
For now, I'd be willing to make patches that will allow removal of the
inline src block results that do *not* involve these header args:
IMO, we're too much focused on the implementation details. We ought to
agree on what should be done first. For example, considering
`org-babel-insert-result' and its RESULT-PARAMS argument, I think the
following makes sense:
| Param | Example output |
| default | {{{results(42)}}} |
| file | {{{results(file:something.pdf)}}} |
| list | |
| raw | 42 |
| drawer | |
| org | {{{results(src_org{...})}}} |
| html | {{{results(@@html:...@@)}}} |
| latex | {{{results(@@latex:...@@)}}} |
| code | {{{results(src_xxx{...})}}} |
Basically, it should be possible to remove any kind of result using
"results" macro, with the exception of "raw". "list" and "drawer" can
be ignored since there is no inline equivalent.
There's no rush, however. Non-removable results from inline source
blocks have been there for a long time.
Hello all,
I jump into this conversation because in the next months I will try to
write a supplementary information annex using org-mode with Gnu R, so
my idea on what should be done follows...
I guess I will start my project using those patches. Thanks!
A brief review on how how results are presented (or usually
anticipated) inline led me to the following wish list:
* provide some facilities to keep track of the 'unit of measurement'
Few numbers are pure numbers. There is a little value added to the
correctness of the work as a whole if I get the correct number from
babel but I have hard coded the wrong unit of measure in the text.
Please follow the examples.
# Load used languages
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
'((emacs-lisp . nil)
(octave . t)
(R . t)))
Ideally, I think that reasonable solution would take table like the
| speed | speed_unit |
| 12 | km/s |
and output by default or through an easy to call syntax:
12 km/s
I am not aware of any facilities provided by languages like R or
octave to keep track of the unit of measure, If you have some please
A more space wise representation, that add another layer of
indirection would be to have a look-up table like the following:
| name | unit |
| speed | km/s |
| length | km |
| time | s |
But I am not sure that it's worth it, at least for those that are
working with small data sets.
* support for inline rendering of tables
The most complex inline output I think I will need at some point
| position | item1 | author1 | item2 | author2 | correlation |
| 1 | i1 | a1 | j1 | b1 | c1 |
| 2 | i2 | a2 | j2 | b2 | c2 |
| 3 | i3 | a3 | j3 | b3 | c3 |
#+NAME: block-1
#+BEGIN_SRC R :session :colnames yes :exports none :var
# Just to show that we use R
data_set_2 <- data_set_1
#+RESULTS: block-1
| position | item1 | author1 | item2 | author2 | correlation |
| 1 | i1 | a1 | j1 | b1 | c1 |
| 2 | i2 | a2 | j2 | b2 | c2 |
| 3 | i3 | a3 | j3 | b3 | c3 |
And I really like to be easily rendered as an inline string through
some formatting specs e.g.:
#+PROPERTY: header-args: R :fmt '(%(position)i) “%(item1)s” by
/%(author1)s/ correlate to “%(item2)s” by /%(author2)s/ with a
correlation coefficient of %(correlation).2f'
#+PROPERTY: header-args: R :rowsep (', ', ' and ')
The preliminary results show that: src_R[:session :results
Will be rendered as:
The preliminary results show that:
(1) “i1” by /a1/ correlate to “j1” by /b1/ with a correlation
coefficient of c1,
(2) “i2” by /a2/ correlate to “j2” by /b2/ with a correlation
coefficient of c2 and
(3) “i3” by /a3/ correlate to “j3” by /b3/ with a correlation
coefficient of c3.
For languages that does not support tables with headers we can stick
with the positional formatting:
#+NAME: block-2
#+BEGIN_SRC octave :session :colnames yes :exports none :var
ans = data_set_1;
# TODO: figure out why this does not work
#+RESULTS: block-2
: iii123aaa123jjj123bbb123ccc123
#+PROPERTY: header-args: octave :fmt '(%i) “%s” by /%s/ correlate to
“%s” by /%s/ with a correlation coefficient of %.2f'
#+PROPERTY: header-args: octave :rowsep (', ', ' and ')
The preliminary results show that: src_octave[:session :results
The preliminary results show that:
(1) “i1” by /a1/ correlate to “j1” by /b1/ with a correlation
coefficient of c1,
(2) “i2” by /a2/ correlate to “j2” by /b2/ with a correlation
coefficient of c2 and
(3) “i3” by /a3/ correlate to “j3” by /b3/ with a correlation
coefficient of c3.
* support for humanization
A minor point would be supporting some humanization of the numbers
using extended format placeholder to support:
- number-as-word or number-as-cardinal :: 1 -> one
- number-as-ordinal :: 2 -> second
- number-as-pretty-fraction :: 2.3333 -> 2 + 1/3
- number-as-word-fraction :: 2.3333 -> two and one third
- number-as-natural-size :: 1000000 -> 1.0 MB
- number-as-natural-size-binary :: 1000000 -> 976.6 KiB
* auto formatting standard test result
It would be nice to simplify the insertion of the result of standard
test like Chi-square by taking the =R= result and rewrite in a
sentence form:
\Chi-squared = 0.214, d.f. = 1, p-value < 0.05
But this is really lower priority because it will need a lot work to
keep track of language and test specific parameters.
* Conclusion
I really like to hear your feedback on those points. Maybe am I
taking the avoidance of cute and paste point of the reproducible
research too far?