Luke Crook <> writes:

> But I still don't think it works as it is meant to.
> Org creates a new list item in the folded heading if the last line is a 
> list item.  Otherwise org creates a new heading at the same level as the 
> folded heading.
> So 
> * TEST<cursor here, then M-enter>
> - skfjdskjfs
> gives the following
> * TEST
> * <cursor here>
> - skfjdskjfs
> But
> * Test...<cursor here, then M-enter>
> gives the following
> * TEST
> - skfjdskjfs
> - <cursor here>
> Also the following won't create a new header or list item at all.
> * TEST...
> <cursor here, then M-enter>
> Doesn't do anything

This should be fixed. Thank you.


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